Arriving (Day 1 in Belgium)
With delay, the people from Romania arrived around 7 pm with the train. At first we we're very shy and quiet because it was weird to see each other in real life. The teachers gave us some information about the exchange project and the rules that we have to follow. We had prepared a game namely speed dating. When the game started, we all started to flourish and that was nice to see. It was 30 seconds talking but yet we got to know each other in that short time. It was a lot of fun and a very good game to start this project with. After the game everyone went home with their correspondent(s) because it was very late and all the Romanian people were very tired and hungry. It was already late (8 pm). Everyone has packed out their stuff and all of us went sleeping early because the next day was going to be a tough day.
'It's a great way to meet friends'