Christmas market
Today was the day that we sold our pancakes and hot chocolate. We went to the store to pick up the stuff that we needed (such as 24 bottles chocolate milk, eggs, butter,...). We made pancake dough and tried to make the first pancakes and ate it. They were good (well some of them because some of us can't make pancakes that well). We had a lot of fun making it and preparing by buying the cash desk, deciding the prices,... When we were at school we made our stall a little more personal: we hung the flag from Romania on our stall, lights (blue ones), garlands (red and yellow),.. It was very nice and it felt really like our place and it was like Christmas. There wasn't an easy start for us because we had technical problems for like 2 hours (our gas fires didn't work). But a mom from someone from our class brought us a new gas fire. So we could bake the pancakes and heat the chocolate milk. We really did a great job and when everything began the work well, there were a lot of people that bought things. Almost the whole class was there and it was really nice to see how well we worked together as a close group. This project brings us more and more together, we are creating an amazing last year of highschool. We can proudly say that we made a profit of 217,78 euros. This is a good begin for our first benefit, the beginning of a nice amount of money for the disadvantaged young people and orphanages in Brasov.
'We can't do great things, only small things with great love'