Goodbyes (Day 7 in Belgium)
It was a very early morning this morning. We had to be in Bruges at 8:30 am at the railway station. Their bus arrived there to take them to the Charleroi airport. It was really weird to leave from home and knowing that we don't come back with our Romanian correspondent. Many people didn't really realize that this was the end of the first part of our exchange project. We were all (both the Belgian students and the parents of the host families) getting used to having someone extra at home. Some people thought of the Romanian correspondent as family, like a brother or sister. It was very hard to say goodbye to each other because after this whole week we really got a good connection with each other. And the idea that we have to wait so long to see each other again in Romania, made us sad. There was a lot of hugs, tears and thank you's from everyone. We gave the big group pictures (that we printed yesterday) to everyone and they were very happy with it and they became to smile. Then it was time for the Romanian people to gave their suitcases to the bus driver and get on the bus. The bus was riding and everyone was waving to them and the great memories they gave us this week. This amazing week went way too fast and it still feels weird to come home without a correspondent because this has become our routine. We are looking back to this week with a lot of beautiful memories and smiles on our faces. We hope that the time passes by quickly so that we are soon in Romania. We are now definitely looking forward to jumping on the plane and continuing our adventure together in Romania. To be continued...
'It's not the goodbyes thats hurts, it's the flashbacks that follow'