Guided tour in Ostend (Day 2 in Belgium)
We were expected to be at our school at 8:30 am. We all slept well and the Romanian people have got to know the host family yesterday evening. The teachers gave us a presentation about what we had to expect this week. After this presentation was the presentation about our school and also a little bit about Ostend. The Romanian people prepared also a presentation about their school and their city Braşov. they were really good prepared and we both showed a video about our cities (Ostend and Braşov). The teachers gave us after all the presentations a taks that we had to prepare with the host and the correspondent(s). We had to discuss 5 challenges/topics: care, arts & culture, gypsies and stereotypes, free time and guest family. We prepared it at school (in the computer classroom) and they gave us also time Friday in the library for preparing the last things. After preparing everything we went eating at school and everyone liked it so we were relieved. In the afternoon we had a guided tour in Ostend who was prepared by us (the Belgian people). Everything went fine and the Romanian people really liked the view of the sea and the beautiful city Ostend. In the evening we went to the beach because they don't go often to the beach in their country. They really liked the sea sounds and the peace that reign. It was amazing to see them enjoying themselves. It was a really nice and lovely evening!
'Big cities are like museums on their own'